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Amateur Sports Scheme

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LivingCare are committed to supporting Grass Roots sports. We recognise that there are significant health benefits to being mobile and participating in sport; physical, mental and social.

As part of this we want to be able to champion clubs, and hopefully help them along their journey in creating safe sporting environment.

The scheme enables clubs to apply for funding for small projects or small initiatives.

What is the scheme?

The scheme is part of an agreement with General and Medical Insurance (GMI). Between LivingCare and GMI we have agreed to pool a % of any insurance premiums to spend on grass roots sports. Any amateur sports clubs and athletes can then apply and get a grant to spend within their club or as part of the training if they have signed up to promote the insurance arrangement.

How does this work?

All we ask is that you register the athlete or sports club and then we will send out information to share with your membership.

The membership will need to use the specific link and referral codes when purchasing the insurance scheme.  GMI will then identify the amount to put into the "community pot". LivingCare will be paid this money and we will identify how to spend this across the clubs.

How do I apply for the community pot?
What we ask for is you to use our form, we will consider every application and will look at what the money will be used for and what it will be used in conjunction with e.g. who is co-funding the project.

The form to complete is below.  We will make payments every six months based on money within the pot. It is expected our first payment will be June 2020.

We will provide up to £500 per application.

Who are General and Medical Insurance?
GMI are an international provider of insurance and are part of the Lloyds of London group.  GMI provide insurance for individuals, sports clubs, professional sports clubs and athletes to protect them when injured to get quicker rehabilitation and treatment.


Why LivingCare?

LivingCare work with professional sports clubs across Yorkshire and with many athletes, sports organisations and teams. Our services are nationally recognised by insurers and we have world class specialists working with us to provide our services.  Through working with professional clubs we have develop robust treatment and rehabilitation procedures enabling individuals to get back to their sport.

What does LivingCare expect from your club?

We ask that the only way the clubs will benefit is through people signing up and promoting the scheme. We will always try and help wherever we can to support your club whether that is through water bottles, first aid kits, kit sponsorship etc. In return we ask that the club promotes LivingCare and engages with our social media. Where possible our logo is shown in publications and when we donate money to the club this is part of the application.

What do we do with the applications?

With the applications we will add your details to our mailing list. You will get periodic updates around the scheme, and of course you can opt out.

We will not retain the application if unsuccessful as these will go out of date and your club will more than likely be going to other sources. If they are successful we will retain them for 12 months. We will use the applications and projects as case studies throughout the year.

Contact us

Feel free to contact us to discuss this via the form below or on the following email: marketing@livingcare.co.uk

Amateur Sports SchemeLivingcare

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Patient Pathway

women speaking on mobile phone

Step 1

Nurse answering the call

Step 2

Doctor talking with patient sitting around the table

Step 3

Women speaking with man

Step 4

Contact LivingCare

To help us deal with your enquiry more quickly, please make sure you provide the following information where possible:

- The name of the clinic you are enquiring about
- If you are enquiring about NHS or private services
- Any other information that you think will help our team direct your enquiry to the right person

First Name *
Last Name *
Phone *
Email *
Message *

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